Training Playlists
Contracting with Medicaid Managed Care
This collection is intended for behavioral health staff who are currently dealing with initiating or updating contracts with Medicaid Managed Care plans.
Smart Managed Care Contracting and Negotiation Basics, Part 1
December 10, 2014
In November 2014, the first of MCTAC’s series of in-depth content units around the behavioral health system's transition to Medicaid Managed Care began on Contracting. The in-depth presentation focused on two key topics: negotiating from a position of strength and smart managed care contracting. T...
Managed Care Contracting: The Plan Perspective
December 16, 2014
Harold Iselin and Whitney Phelps of Greenberg Traurig, LLP, joined MCTAC on December 17, 2014 to present what managed care plans are looking for and expecting when they contract with providers.
Managed Care Contracting: The Provider's Perspective
March 25, 2015
This unique offering was geared toward agency leadership and business operations staff for behavioral health providers transitioning to Medicaid managed Care. The presentation featured senior leadership from Thresholds based in Chicago: Mark Furlong, Senior Vice President of Clinical Operations, and...
Smart Managed Care Contracting and Negotiation Basics, Part 2
December 10, 2014
In November 2014, the first of MCTAC’s series of in-depth content units around the behavioral health system's transition to Medicaid Managed Care began on Contracting. The in-depth presentation focused on two key topics: negotiating from a position of strength and smart managed care contracting. T...
Contracting: Overview and Anatomy
June 17, 2015
This webinar of MCTAC's web-based contracting workshop, presented by contracting expert Adam Falcone. This series reviewed key aspects of successful contract negotiation and gave providers the opportunity to engage with the contracting process through completion of a team-based contracting exercise,...
Managed Care Lessons Learned: The Provider's Perspective
June 07, 2016
MCTAC and ICL held a webinar on lessons learned from managed care from a provider’s perspective. ICL, a MCTAC partner and a NYC-based provider of Clinic, PROS, ACT and HCBS services, reviewed experiences around the transition to managed care in New York City. This webinar was geared toward adult B...