Training Playlists
Do You Work in Schools?
Here are a set of offerings that can support you in providing services to students in the school environment.
See, Talk, Treat: Strategies for Effective Treatment Planning in Schools
February 09, 2016
School based mental health can be an affordable, effective and productive way to provide mental health services to children with social, emotional and behavioral problems. School-based mental health providers are in a unique position to work closely with schools to develop and implement collaborat...
EMS and High Needs Students: Applying a Trauma Informed Response in NYC Public Schools
November 10, 2016
Tara Foster and Nelson Mar, Senior Attorneys from Legal Services NYC discuss how the trauma informed perspective influenced a landmark settlement on December 15, 2014. Eleven families filed suit against the City of New York in the hopes of ending the “EMSing” of disruptive students to local emer...
Part 1: Trauma-Sensitive Schools - A Multi-tiered Approach
October 26, 2017
Creating trauma-sensitive schools requires a comprehensive approach that is anchored in principles of trauma-informed care. In Part 1 of the series, we introduce a working model for trauma-sensitive schools that includes three tiers of intervention: universal, selected and intensive. We review t...
Part 2: Tier 1 – Trauma-Informed Care for All – Creating Safe and Healthy Classrooms
November 02, 2017
A trauma-sensitive school system or building is one that is safe and healthy for students regardless of exposure to trauma. In this installment of the series, we discuss the universal level of trauma-sensitive schools and provide information about the practices that can be implemented in classroom...
Part 3: Tier 2 – Trauma-Informed Interventions for Students in Need**
November 30, 2017
A trauma-sensitive school includes approaches for addressing the needs of students who might be demonstrating social, emotional and behavioral challenges as a result of their exposure to trauma or chronic stress. Such challenges can certainly begin to manifest in poor educational outcomes and beha...
Part 5: Restorative Justice: A Trauma-Informed Approach to Discipline in School**
February 08, 2018
A trauma-sensitive school must have discipline policies and practices to complement traditional behavioral approaches to managing problem behaviors. Many schools across the U.S. have begun to adopt and implement restorative justice programs in schools with promising results. These discipline strateg...
Part 4: Providing Services to Students with Clinically Significant Difficulties Following Trauma Exposure**
March 08, 2018
A trauma-informed school system has the capacity to help meet the mental healthcare needs of children experiencing clinically significant difficulties resulting from trauma exposure. Problems can manifest as disruptive behavior disorders, PTSD and related symptoms, or other problems related to moo...